Choosing the Correct Loop Orientation for a Pendant or Earring

Choosing the Correct Loop Orientation for a Pendant or Earring

Often the orientation of the loops you create won't matter, but there are occasions when it will affect the way your jewellery looks. 

If you are making earrings or a pendant, or if your bead has a specific front or back, you will need to think about how it hangs.

Loops for Pendants

Loops for flat pendants, for example, should always be twisted so that they sit front to back on top of the pendant, allowing the cord or chain to align side to side with the pendant. This means that the pendant can lie flat on the wearer's chest.

Step 1:

For a front to back loop, begin bending the wire at the top of the bead from front to back.


Step 2:

The finished front to back loop allows the bead to lie flat when threaded onto a necklace.


Loops for Earrings

Loops for attachment to earwigs, however, will need to align side to side with the bead rather than front to back, so that the beads face forward when the earrings are worn. 

View our selection of Artistic Wire. 

Happy Beading, and don't forget to check out our other Jewellery Tutorials and Free Jewellery Making Videos.

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